Hey all,
I will be sharing more about the details of this project as the campaign and album progresses, but for today I wanted to share that we launched the crowdfund for SONGS FOR THE APOCALYPSE, a full-length album for my pop project, PAX PALOMA.
These songs are intentionally hopeful, playful, uptempo responses to the apocalyptic moment we are in, and weave in a bunch of my academic history, with songs referencing Aristotle, St. Augustine, ancient myths, and literary protagonists.
Top studio quality. Incredible talent lined up.
The sky’s the limit on what we can do.
But we need your support!
This is how we win: support independent endeavors to change things. You make a huge difference.
Please consider donating today as well as sharing and passing on to everyone who know who has been saying they want better things.
Good things coming!
View the whole campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/songs-for-the-apocalypse#/